Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Carnival is Here!

OK, I must be the last blogger on earth to know about this, but just in case I'm not...

Within the past year or so in bloggerdom there has been the development of a concept called the Blog Carnival. (I have yet to undercover the origins of the concept so please comment if you know)

The blog carnival is a roving journal of sorts that showcase blog writings within a particular discipline. Think Current Cites for bloggers. The blog carnival has been adopted in certain academic circles including infosciences. It is another tool that active bloggers can use to promote and communicate their ideas.

Individual bloggers volunteer to host a carnival on their personal blog, acting as editor for that edition. Their responsibility includes collecting noteworthy items and to sorting through suggestions from the community and authors themselves.The editor is encouraged to include a short commentary to entise readers to visit the blog postings. On the appointed date (carnivals should keep to a regular schedule) the carnival is posted and shared with the community.

I have indicated to infoscience ringleader (for the lack of a better term) Greg Schwartz of Open Stacks that I will take my turn as host, which should be sometime during the summer. Sphere: Related Content

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