Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Do You Pecha Kucha?

In looking over various posts regarding CIL2008, I noticed several discussing Pecha Kucha. While the concept is not news to me since it is similar to Lightning Talks, the name and particular format was until I read it in a Feburary ARL E-News.

Pecha Kucha (pronounced peh-chak-cha) is Japanese for the sound of conversation (chatter) and represents a fast-paced series of presentations.

The idea behind Pecha Kucha is to keep presentations concise, audience interest level high and to have many presenters sharing their ideas within the course of one session. The format is 20x20: each presenter is allowed a slideshow of 20 images, each shown for 20 seconds each. This results in a total presentation time of 6 minutes 40 seconds on a stage before the next presenter is up.

At CIL the attendees felt that the format was just the right amount of stimulation needed at 4 pm after a full conference day. Each of the five panelists use the format to express their opinion about a particular 2.0 technology Sphere: Related Content

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